2011 Thailand's GDP rose 3.8% in the fourth quarter of 2010 after a minor recession caused by GDP contractions of 0.4% in the second quarter and 0.Please help with verifying or updating this section.1964 UK flies 24,000 rolls of Beatles wallpaper to US.1963 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site.1962 Minister De Pous confirms natural gas reserves in Groningen, Netherlands.

1961 Mercury-Atlas 2 reentry Test reaches 172 km.1961 Friedrich Durrenmatt's "Die Physiker" premieres in Zurich.1960 Biathlon debuts at the Squaw Valley Winter Olympics Klas Lestander from Sweden becomes the first Olympic champion ahead of Finland's Antti Tyrväinen and Soviet Aleksandr Privalov.1958 Egypt-Syria as United Arab Republic elect Nasser president (99.9% vote).1958 British artist Gerald Holtom designs Nuclear Disarmament logo, based on blended semaphore signals for the letters N and D it later became an international peace symbol.1958 "Portotino" opens at Adelphi Theater, NYC runs for 3 performances.1957 Dodgers (Fort Worth) & Cubs (LA) "trade" minor league franchises.1953 Longest collegiate basketball game (6 OTs) Niagara beats Siena 88-81.1953 "Maggie" closes at National Theater NYC after 5 performances.1952 Bangladesh Martyrs Day (martyrs of Bengali Language Movement).1922 Britain declares Egypt a sovereign state.1922 Airship "Rome" explodes at Hampton Roads, Virginia 34 die.1921 The London Conference on the Near East begins: the issue is the Allies' 1920 Treaty of Sevres, which had given part of Turkish Asia Minor to Greece.1921 Constituent Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Georgia adopts the country's first constitution.

1919 Kurt Eisner, Premier of the Bavarian Republic, is assassinated by a far-right German nationalist in Munich.1919 German National Meeting accepts Anschluss: incorporation of Austria.1918 The last Carolina parakeet dies in captivity at the Cincinnati Zoo (Cincinnati, Ohio).